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UNBEACH Your Company - Learning to Swim in the New Ocean

Beached Whale | Learning to swim in the new ocean was reprinted in 2019 the new edition is titled Unbeach Your Company.  


With the advances in technology, companies are either running successfully into this new world or failing to keep up. Is your company beached? Are you stranded on the sands of past success? Slow and steady no longer wins the race.

This book will equip you to evaluate if your company has become beached. Do you have a coordinated enterprise company, or do you have a company mired down in bureaucracy? You could be a Beached Whale company. There is only one way to find out.


Please contact Elise Martin

UNBEACH Your Company - Learning to Swim in the New Ocean

  • To inquire about hiring Dr. Martin for your next workshop, keynote, executive retreat, company retreat, executive coaching, or panel, contact:

    Dr. Martin provides strategic insights to companies that empower them to increase their Employee Engagement Exponentially, Create an Epic Culture, Build Better Leaders, Increase Profits, and other vital metrics. He is out to Evolutionize work to make it higher performing, more soul-satisfying, profitable, and engaging. He produces highly engaging, meaningful, and actionable content that transforms the way people work, and experiences life and maximizes engagement in companies and organizations around the world. Dr. Martin's thought leadership and change strategies in transforming companies earned him the title of The Culture Architect. He acts as a Trusted Advisor and Executive Coach to business leaders at companies ranging from Fortune 500 to small businesses. He is the CEO & Founder of The Global Company Culture Association, a Global Keynote Speaker, and an Author. His WSJ and USA Today Bestselling book “A Company of Owners” has sparked a positive change at companies worldwide and has been called "Best book since Good to Great." He provides Executive Education for SMU. He resides in New Orleans, LA.

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